Saturday, August 29, 2009


Okay, this movie was made in 1979. Though I remember seeing it, I don't recall any details except it being pretty cheesy (saying a lot since I was 12 at the time). It was probably more than somewhat lame. After all, it starred John Ritter as the President of the United States of America.

The rest of the cast included Harvey Korman (as a cross-dressing TV star), Peter Reigert (better known as "Boon" from Animal House), Fred Willard (please comment if you know of ANY good movie he was ever in), Jay Leno (this guy's been around forever!), Meatloaf, Elvis Costello, Howard Hessman, and George Carlin (as the narrator).

Americathon was set in 1998. And incredibly, if not entirely on schedule, many of its predictions of future world affairs came true. These include:
  • America is deeply in debt to foreign lenders
  • The US Dollar is severely devalued
  • The US President is young, charismatic, and compassionate; exuding hope during the most desperate of times.
  • The USSR has collapsed, no longer of serious world consequence
  • China has become a global superpower and embraced capitalism
  • Oil reserves have been almost totally depleted
  • Nike is a huge multi-national conglomerate
  • Jogging suits are fashionable casual wear
  • Network television has been given over to reality-based programming - much of which deals with non-traditional, taboo, absurd, and even dysfunctional themes
  • Several Indian tribes have become wealthy
  • The Beach Boys are still together
I'm not sure when the Arabs & Jews will overcome their differences. But with this movie's track record, it's gotta be any time now.


Dr. B said...

Wow...several song lyrics alluding to substance abuse and other enigmatic dark matters, and now this...

Well, all I can say is that I hope things are looking sunnier today, and that Fred Willard has been in several good films, including the Christopher Guest repertory company ones (Spinal Tap, Best in Show, etc.), as well as Silver Streak, Harold & Kumar, and The Spy Who Shagged Me. However, IMDB lists 207 items in his filmography, and about 200 probably suck.

If you haven't seen Inglourious Basterds yet, check it out--it's good Nazi-killin' fun. District 9 is good, too.

Mucous said...

San Diego may very well be bought soon by the Mexicans, Arnold is selling everything he can these days. Can you still rent this somewhere? BTW - Tyson is pretty good as well, believe it or don't

Chopes said...

Dude your freaking me out a bit, are you having some kind of mid-life meltdown. Lots of random lyrics, torture, waxing about really bad movies. Perhaps another vacation is in order!?!?!?