Friday, November 6, 2009

Great Scenes in Cinematography

Done in a single continuous tracking shot. Choreographed to a tee. Henry impresses Karen on their first date. I don't think he's in construction either...


Dr. B said...

Excellent scene from an all-time classic--I've been meaning to watch Goodfellas again for a while, so it's going on my Netflix queue.

In the spirit of sharing cool stuff, here are two clips from (at least the website is still worth checking out). I don't know if these links will work, but if Philbony sees fit, he might embed them...

The first one is Pearl Jam costumed as Devo for a Halloween show. They do a great cover of Whip It; it's especially amusing to see Eddie working the whip, and the guitarist busting some spot-on robot moves...

This next one is U2 & Jay-Z performing Sunday Bloody Sunday at the former Berlin Wall. I've been revisiting U2 lately, and I gotta say, I love their flair for spectacle, their commitment to peace, and their embrace of new artistic approaches, all of which are on display here...

Dr. B said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention--one of the best things about the scene: The Crystals!!! How can you not smile when you hear And Then He Kissed Me?

philbony said...

a) On topic: I've been reading a lot about Goodfellas after selecting that scene - which is one of my all time classic faves. Scorsese said he basically over-loaded as many scenes as possible with action & detail to convey the sense of allure of the gangster life AND all the balls they had in the air. Ultimately, he wanted to overload the audience so that by the end, everything seems to become off-balance, then spin out of control. Which is what really happened to Henry & Karen Hill in real life.

b) Dude, that PJ clip is great! Wow. You know they hail from Akron, OH & cut their teeth at Kent State University. I know a couple Mothersbaugh relatives from church - not well, but hey, brushes with greatness...

c) RE: U2 - I tried to write you an email reply on the Unforgettable Fire. It was quite detailed and then my computer ate the message. Suffice to say we agree.

d) RE: Rolling Stone. I must admit I've been drawn to the "where are they now" articles on folks such as Ginger Baker and Merle Haggard. Cantankerous old bastards in varying degrees of physical, emotional and financial health. Paranoia seems a common thread though...

philbony said...

Re item b above - I refer of course to Devo. PJ is from Seattle, which is also cool...