Monday, March 22, 2010

Water World

Addendum to previous post. Ironic that population densities are greatest in some of the most water-scarce areas.

PLUS: He who has water will command power in the coming decades.


Mucous said...

Why you gotta throw stones at your west coast neighbors? Sure it's drier than a lizards underbelly out here but hey, we got bitchin' tans. Irony is best served with a dash of bitters.

Mucous said...

Convenient that the "Water Scarcity" divisions fall along the various borders. What's up with that Philbony?

philbony said...

The sun struggles up another beautiful day, eh Mucous? Well I feel glad in my own suspicious way.

The boundaries don't line up according to country borders on today's actual situation. Meanwhile, the forecast is reported on a country-by-country basis. Still, shows where the action is(n't).