Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fundamentally Unserious

These people are our leaders, opinion makers, etc?  Fuck 'em all.  And then fuck all those who put them in charge:  us!  Just give me the courtesy of a reach-around afterward.

 - Danny Partridge


"The fundamentals of the U.S. economy are strong." - John McCain, (R-AZ) US Senator and Presidential Candidate


"You need to work on your pecs." - Joe Biden, (D-DE) US Senator and Vice-Presidential Candidate (while tapping a reporter on the chest)


Question:  "Do Democrats deserve some responsibility for the current economic crisis?"
Answer:    "No." - Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) US Congressman & Speaker of the House


"No one knows what to do." - Harry Reid, (D-NV) US Senator & Majority Leader


"Obama wants to change Washington.  McCain is a part of Washington and a part of the Bush legacy.  Yet the polls remain close.  Doesn't make sense...unless it's race." - Jack Cafferty, CNN commentator


"Obama is stoking racial antagonism.  (His) campaign is now trafficking in prejudice of its own making" - Rush Limbaugh, nationally syndicated radio talk show host

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