Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jumbo Shrimp

A lot of folks believe it's a contradiction to be both conservative and intellectual.  Sadly, this sentiment is reflected in many of today's leading conservatives.  Sarah Palin's nomination sealed it.

It would be nice to have some smart people in the room.  Smart people are curious, like to study, and are good at constructing complex models to explain complex situations.  But I dare say we need a couple of idiots around as well.  They're very good at not understanding how complex models are designed to work.  Their shortcuts or paralysis due to lack of comprehension are very good at ruining the otherwise perfectly constructed model.

Most people aren't smart or dumb.  In fact, most people are average intelligence - though they (we) would like to think otherwise.  Above all, most people deal with complexity by living according to tried & true standards of behavior.  Call it a values system.

The genius of the Framers of the Constitution was that they designed a fairly simple system by which people may govern themselves.  The United States -- no matter how in need of top talent at all times -- is capable of surviving, indeed thriving, without brainiacs in charge.

If we had one really smart person running the show, what happens when he or she dies?  Or more likely with smart people, gets bored of running the show?  To whom does the country turn for supreme guidance of all that is good and informed?

The country requires neither a surplus of over-educated know-it-alls nor -- as is unfortunately the current chic everywhere -- the willfully ignorant.

Bottom Line:  As the world needs ditch diggers, so too does it need intellectuals.  It's important to recognize each has their own place along the continuum.  As do we all.

** This post subject to major revision due to the fact I spit it in about 2-1/2 minutes.  Guess I think I'm really smart... **

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