Saturday, July 25, 2009

One for the Doctor

A Saturday dedication to Dr. B with special thanks for the article on primordial yeast. Mmmm, mmm good! Proof too there's always a future for late bloomers and community college grads.

No video on this, but does include the extended guitar solo.


Dr. B said...

Beautiful...I had this song back in the day on a special edition 10inch single. Always loved the way that it starts off with the acoustic part, revealing a surprisingly heartfelt & wistful dimension to Diamond Dave's lyrics, then launches into the white hot guitar solo at the end.

That's Roddy Frame, and Aztec Camera made two classic albums in the 80s: High Land Hard Rain (83) and Knife (84) (the latter with assistance from Mark Knopfler). Like all of my LPs worth a damn, I sold them in the early 90s, but also like much of this music, I replaced them on CD a couple of years ago, and the Knife CD has all of the songs on that long lost 10 incher. However, it's always great to hear that song, so thanks Phil, and if anyone reading this is intrigued, I highly recommend checking out AC's stuff.

Mucous said...

"Long lost 10 incher" , wasn't that an Aerosmith tune?