Monday, December 28, 2009

Diesel Power vs Ox Power

I'm not sure which one I feel safer with, but they both remind me of each other.

- or -

1 comment:

Dr. B said...

"The system worked"...yeah, if by "system" JN means letting a known terrorist sympathiser, who was observed acting squirrely in the airport prior to boarding, get on the plane and set himself on fire, with the only thing saving everyone from death being a passenger with balls of steel who took the bastard down...sure, that's a good system.

We flew from Edmonton to LV yesterday and were subjected to humiliating, invasive full-body patdowns, including a dude sticking his paws in the waistband of my jeans...because it's people like us that are to be scrutinized, not the 99% of the successful terrorists who all exhibit, let's just call it, a fairly specific set of identity characteristics. And, in the time between we arrived at the airport and got to the security checkpoint (about 2 hours due to fog and a computer malfunction), we were given about 5 different versions from various airport officials regarding what could and could not be carried on the plane, resulting in a couple of times that we had to repack our bags while we were in line, another dehumanizing example of literally forcing us to show everyone around us our dirty underwear and other personal effects.

At this point I have more confidence in the staff at the Taco Bell down the street than I do in whoever is responsible for airline security. Obviously, no one knows what they are doing and are just making things up after the fact in a pathetic attempt to convince the public that Things Are Getting Accomplished.