Saturday, September 26, 2009

Marketing 101

So I'm walking through Giant Eagle the other day. Just picking up a few sundries for dinner -- lettuce, apple butter, Dawn -- from one of Consumer Reports' bottom 10 supermarkets in the USA. Walking through the aisles I heard one of my favorite tunes from 1998: "Closing Time" by Semisonic. Catchy little ditty, that.

And a confusing one for me during its release. For the longest time I was entranced not only with a well-put-together pop/rock song, but by the way it always sounded different every time I heard it. Well, I'm happy to report that I'm not crazy (at least for this reason). The song was different every time I heard it.

Several months after its release I recall hearing a report -- on NPR of all things -- how the music industry was targeting itself to different audiences. The report used "Closing Time" as a case study, with at least 3 versions released to various market niches.

First, and truest to the band's sound, was the album version. While certainly poppy, it had a grungy production quality and heavy tone; certain to appeal to the Nirvana/Soundgarden/Pearl Jam crowd prevalent at the time.

Second was the Top 40 edition, which featured a modified acoustic intro, more prominent vocals, and accent on the plinky-piano for a good hook. This version was directed at the mothers of the cohort above. In addition to MOR radio, it received heavy rotation in supermarkets and dentist offices.

Third, traditional rock stations got a more electric guitar-centric version, complete with overdubbed power chords. This track was aimed at the 20/30-somethings who weren't quite into the Seattle sound, yet rocked nonetheless.

Check out Versions 1 & 2 linked below. Cut & paste if the links don't work. You should know the drill by now...

Update - AOR ? - See, now I'm not sure anymore. Again. Semisonic! you bastards!


Dr. B said...

Version 1: good song, excellent video. Version 2 sounds like it's "live in the studio." The version 3 Friends video was a nice tribute to a favorite TV show.

My Albertson's plays a surprisingly good music mix, including Roxy Music and U2.

Dr. B said...

You eat Dawn for dinner?

Dr. B said...

Just wondering...has anyone listened to Chinese Democracy since it came out? Despite my positive review of it, I have not, mainly due to my total lack of desire to hear Axl's yowling vocals. Upon further review, then, I would have to downgrade my grade to a C.

Chopes said...

Interesting ... now that I listen too the three versions my mind is becoming clearer, more like Phil's mind, oh crap I need to stop this NOW

philbony said...

a) As noted, I've entirely lost track of which cut is aimed at which demography. As English Dave might say, that's just what they want me to think.

b) A well-rounded diet includes whatever I say it does.

c) My B+ for Chinese Democracy remains in force despite the fact I too haven't listened to it in months. Technically excellent but too, uh, familiar. Time gone by...

philbony said...

Like Chopes, all will see the wisdom of Philbony. That's why they gave me a blog...

Mucous said...

A good song anyway you play it although it always reminds me of the ER. Worked with a guy who always would sing "Foley time" instead of "Closing Time" when he had to put a catheter in poor schmuck (Foley being the brand of catheter). Kinda changes the song for me. PS- I still like and listen to Chinese Democracy for exactly the reason Dr B has downgraded it. Axl's yowl somehow makes me feel better when I yowl along with him.