Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tyler Woods

Tyler Woods is 18, cock-sure of himself, and not particularly good at anything except playing the guitar.  His only remarkable achievement is getting his driver's license suspended twice for excessive speeding violations.  Tyler speaks in a gruff, affected tone; a cross between Nicholas Cage and Crsipin Glover's character in "The River's Edge".  Still, he plays a mean "Classical Gas" on the acoustic.  His wardrobe is black tee's, cut-off jeans, ragged cap worn backward, and over-the-top Beatle-style mop of dirty blond hair.

Jimmy Anderson is his best friend.  He never can quite explain why -- except perhaps for a mutual interest in the guitar, though not the music.  Jimmy, taller by half a head, is as charming as Tyler is awkward.  Coupled with charismatic good looks and enigmatic (some would say lazy) demeanor, Jimmy is clearly the slummer in this friendship.  Jimmy has tight curly hair, that he preens constantly, and wears a preppy amalgam of punk, emo, and apathy.  But the friendship is true.  And often unintentionally hilarious.

Tyler:  I don't know what that cop's problem was.  She was such a bitch!

Jimmy:  Yeah.  You weren't doing anything wrong.

Tyler:  Yeah, I know.  Fuck!   I'm gonna lose my license again.

Jimmy:  Yeah.  What'd she write you for anyway?

Tyler:  Speeding.  And reckless op.  That's bullshit!  (taking the corner at 29 mph)  And cigarettes!  150 bucks!

Jimmy:  I can't believe she asked if we were on drugs.  What the fuck was that?!?  Like we're stoners or something.  (checking his hair in the visor mirror).  You shouldn't smoke.

Tyler:  Jimmy, there are just certain things in this life that'll make you happy.  I smoke.  You drink.

Jimmy:  Like what?  I've had like 11 beers in my life.

Tyler:  Dude, you're chick magnet.  They flock to you.  How many girlfriends do you have?  Uh-huh, that's what I'm saying.  You should have hit on that cop!

Jimmy:  Nooo.  No, I don't think so.  (changing topic) Are cigarettes illegal?

Tyler:  Only if you're under 18.  I got the last one of these thrown out in court.  I'm telling you, man.  They're not gonna let you do anything fun in this life of ours.  That's why you should just be happy aaalll the time wherever you are.  My brother was like that.

Jimmy:  Dude, he's been dead for like six years.

Tyler:  You're pretty lazy too, dude.  I'm only saying that as your friend.

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