Saturday, October 11, 2008


I don't buy Obama's economic plan.

He says he'll cut taxes for 95% of Americans - any one earning less than $250,000 / year.  Hey!  I'll take some of that!  After all, I earn less than a quarter-mil and my tax bill is still going to run well north of $15k this year.

But people whose tax bills are already ZERO will take some that too! That is, you get a refund on tax you did not pay.

Now it's one thing to eliminate the burden of paying tax for people struggling to get by.  But to give them public money?  From where does this money magically come?  Hikes on those making more than $250k and corporations -- generally an unsympathetic lot I admit (especially these days).  And you, if you paid any tax.

Now just so I get this straight, Obama will increase taxes on those who drive the economy in a time when the economy is in dire need of good drivers?  With a car.  And a tank of gas.  Did you ever get a job from a poor man?

By the way, 40% of filers pay no income tax.  That stacks the populist voter deck in Obama's favor. Of course Atlas may Shrug someday.  He's gotta be tired of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Rightfully so.

So let's call Obamanomics what it is:  Punishing Success?  Rewarding Failure?  Perhaps it's Redistributing Wealth?

Or simply Communist.  Right Ayn?

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