Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Plumbing for Votes

A lot has been made of Barack Obama's encounter with an Ohio plumber last weekend.

Usually, you hear the 5-second soundbite where our presumed President states he wants to "spread the wealth around" for everyone's benefit.  But it's worthwhile to watch the entire exchange below.

Obama shows great patience, charm, and skill in handling this Joe Six-Pack's question.  He also expresses honesty in recognizing he's unlikely to get the plumber's vote.

a)  As a matter sustainability -- if not fairness, which is apparently out the window -- should people who pay no tax receive refunds (ie. wealth transferred from those who do pay)?

b)  Will a Democratic Congress push (presumed) President Obama to pursue a profligate fiscal agenda in a toxic economic environment?

c)  How does this country afford net tax cuts while Federal Spending is perched to spike dramatically?

d)  Should the American public continue to be encouraged to go shopping for things we cannot afford?

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