Friday, October 31, 2008

Under Construction

Trying to move this blog away from politics and the economy.  The subjects are too angry, too ubiquitous, too tired.  Under development:

 - Swimming's real weird:  It's the only exercise that gets harder as you get better.  First, you start to build muscle while burning fat.  Fat sucks but at least it floats, unlike muscle.  I've now been in the pool for 3 months after having never swum in my life aside from the purely recreational (read: floating with a cold beverage nearby).  I can hardly float anymore.  In fact, I have to swim pretty damned hard just to be able to breathe.  Breathing while swimming is also messed up.  Inhaling during the exertion, exhaling on the recovery is exactly the opposite of what you're supposed to do during exercise.  Of course, if you get that part wrong, you drown - good incentive to do it right...or wrong...whatever.

 - An ode to Entwhistle:  Revolutionary musician and quiet madman.  The bass guitar wasn't invented as a proper instrument until the 1950's.  Played it as a solo instrument, like a carvinal organ - with lead riffs, tonal fills, percussive drives, and chords.  All at the same time while also singing back-up vocals.  The only member of the Who with any formal musical training.  Entwhistle grew up playing the french horn -- there were no trumpets left in the post-war Acton School band room.  "If Keith Moon's death was inevitable, John's was so unnecessary."

 - Alcoholics can be quite functional:  Hell, some of the most effective people I've seen are in the bag (half, all, or somewhere along the continuum) most of the time.  At low doses, booze relaxes the mind and body.  Think "shot for courage".  And unlike swimming, drinking gets easier the better you get at it.  I don't necessarily recommend boozing, but I won't condemn it either. Lessin' of course you're driving through -- and I mean through -- a school, playground, home, church or liquor store.  City hall, prison, or a casino on the other hand...well, have at it son.

 - A compare/contrast on Pippy Longstocking and Pollyanna:  Polly's a kind-hearted optimist, Pippy a burger-swilling, steroid altered, musclebound psychopath.  Gotta get back to my roots. What say you, Beth?

 - Blogging beats working anytime.  Wish reading blogs were even half as good...

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